What is it?

contentBox is a very simple, very intuitive and very powerful Prestashop Module . contentBox allows you to place content (html/text/javascript/images) anywhere you want inside Prestashop 1.4, Prestashop 1.5 or Prestashop 1.6.

TinyMCE inside contentBox

This Prestashop Module comes equipped with the default Prestashop text/HTML editor, so you can create and edit all sorts of content directly on your website.
With contentBox module you can insert images and media (like youtube videos, or quicktime videos), and social scripts (like facebook) without knowing or mastering HTML.

Image Management inside contentBox

contentBox module comes prepared with a powerful but easy-to-use image manager, to make it easier to upload and use images in your content.
You can even drag-and-drop the images from here to the editor.

Hooks for contentBox

contentBox module lets you use all the display / positionable hooks. Yes is true! We have a thought a special way to lets you use all the hooks!

contentBox is the natural evolution of wContent under the supervision of emotionLoop.com


You have two ways to get the contentBox for Prestashop: by the code generator or by direct download

If you just want to use this module once, or if you just want to give it a try, please click the "Download this module" button to download it.

Please configure you contentBox module

contentBox is Licensed under GNU GPL v3

contentBox - Powered by emotionLoop